Stranger Helix Mac OS

The demo worked, just after install, on my system, but now both the AU and VST versions (Ableton and Cubase) wont start. All I get, is a permanent spinner and a locked-up app. This is MacOS 10.14, Cubase 9.5, Ableton I think the Helix plug-in is 1.7, as of a couple of days. Mac OS (All cursers) Cursor Set by yellowwinner. All of the Mac OS pointers. Don't be a stranger - log-in or register. It only takes few seconds. The main character, Stranger, reveals a secret half-way through that changes the game. Just when you are getting weary of trying to collect bounties, the plot shifts and brings in a whole new aspect. The combination of the old west with modern, sometimes steampunk appearing technology, really makes this a rich experience.

There are several secure options for connecting to the NIH HPC Systems from a Windows, Mac or Linux desktop. The hostnames for the systems are:

HostHostnameAccessible byPurpose
Helixhelix.nih.govAll HPC usersdata transfer
Biowulfbiowulf.nih.govAll HPC userscluster headnode

To connect to one of the HPC systems listed above you will need to be either

  1. physically connected to the wired NIH network or the NIH-Staff wireless (authentication required)
  2. connected to the NIH VPN (requires VPN client installed)

For command line (text based) applictions you will need an SSH (secure shell)client to connect. For graphical applications agraphical connection is required. We recommend the cross platform NX client.

A host key is a cryptographic key used for authenticating computers in theSSH protocol. Host keys are key pairs, typically using the RSA, DSA, or ECDSAalgorithms. Public host keys are stored on and/or distributed to SSH clients,and private keys are stored on SSH servers.

When connecting to a new server for the first time ssh clients usuallyreport the fingerprint of a host key and ask if they user would like to store thepublic host key to verify future connections. Below are the fingerprintts ofthe current biowulf and helix public host keys. If the fingerprint presented toyou matches the fingerprint below it is safe to accept the key and store it.Some clients will present an md5 fingerprint, others a sha256 fingerprint.

md5 key fingerprints

sha256 key fingerprints

Connecting from Windows
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There are several SSH clients available on Windows. PuTTY is a popular option amongst our users. PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham. PuTTY is open source software and is developed and supported by a group of volunteers. Recent versions of Windows include an SSH client with PowerShell so you can connect to the NIH HPC systems without downloading or installing anything.

Installing PuTTY

Installation of PuTTY may require administrative privileges. Please consult with your local system administrators regarding installation policies.

Because PuTTY is continuously updated, you should download the latest version from The download page includes a self contained executable (putty.exe) and an installer (putty-<version>-installer.msi). The installer will require administrative privileges.

Once PuTTY is installed, start PuTTY by double-clicking the icon created on your desktop or use your search bar to locate the executable

Setting up sessions with PuTTY

When starting PuTTY, you will see a dialog box. This dialog box allows you to control everything PuTTY can do. In the 'Host Name' box, enter or

You don't need to change most of the configuration options, but here are a few suggestions for Helix systems' use:

The Backspace Key

The Window Title

Enable X11 Forwarding

PuTTY can forward the X11 protocol which can be used together with an X11 server on your computer to run graphical applictions. However, we recommend using NX for this purpose

After making your configuration changes, be sure to save the session so you will not have to reconfigure PuTTY each time.

When first connecting to a new server, PuTTY will report that the server's host key is not cached in the registry yet. It will present the fingerprint of the host key. If the fingerprint matches one of the fingerprints shown above it is safe to answer 'yes' and store the key in PuTTY's cache

Creating icons on your Windows desktop

Right-click the PuTTY icon on your desktop, then left-click 'Properties'.


In the 'Target' box under the Shortcut tab, type -load 'helix' or -load '' after putty.exe:

Click on the 'General' tab and change the name from PuTTY to helix, then click the OK button.

Double-click on the helix icon to login to helix

To create an icon for any of the other systems, be sure to make a copy of the helix or PuTTY icon, then change the properties of the copy.


For more in-depth knowledge of PuTTY, see the PuTTY Documentation Page

Graphical connection

We recommend NX for graphical connections. NX providesmore stable, performant and reliable graphics performance than otherplatforms.

If you require high performance (hardware accelerated) graphics connections to visualize data on Biowulf, you can allocate a session in the visual partitionwith the svis command and connect via TurboVNC. Detailed instructionsare available here

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Mac OS X includes an ssh client. In a terminal window, typessh hostname to start an ssh session to a host. If your username onyour local system is different from your NIH domain username, you will need totype ssh username@hostname

When first connecting to a new server, ssh will report that the server'shost key is not known. It will present the fingerprint ofthe host key. If the fingerprint matches one of the fingerprints shown above it is safe to answer 'yes' and store thekey. Some clients are configured to reject unknown keys outright. In thatcase you can include -o StrictHostKeyChecking=ask.

Graphical connection

We recommend NX for graphical connections. NX providesmore stable, performant and reliable graphics performance than otherplatforms.

If you require high performance (hardware accelerated) graphics connections to visualize data on Biowulf, you can allocate a session in the visual partitionwith the svis command and connect via TurboVNC. Detailed instructionsare available here

As of OS X 10.6, XQuartz is no longer included with the Mac OS and NIH HPC staffdoes not recommend using it. If you choose to use XQuartz, you can add the -Yoption to your ssh command to forward the X11 connection.

Connecting from Linux
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Linux automatically includes SSH software. In a terminal window, type ssh username@hostname to start an ssh session to a host, where username is your NIHdomain username. A sample session will be exactly like the Mac sessiondisplayed above.

When first connecting to a new server, ssh will report that the server'shost key is not known. It will present the fingerprint ofthe host key. If the fingerprint matches one of the fingerprints shown above it is safe to answer 'yes' and store thekey. Some clients are configured to reject unknown keys outright. In thatcase you can include -o StrictHostKeyChecking=ask.

Graphical connection

Your Linux distribution automatically installs X11. In a terminal window,type ssh -Y username@hostname to start an ssh session to a host,where username is your NIH domain username.

Sample session:

Stranger Helix Mac Os X

At this point you are logged on to Helix and can run Xwindows programs. Totest, type xclock at the prompt. You should see a clock window appearon your desktop.

Alternatively, you can also use the NX cross platform client

If you require high performance (hardware accelerated) graphics connections to visualize data on Biowulf, you can allocate a session in the visual partitionwith the svis command and connect via TurboVNC. Detailed instructionsare available here

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Are you on the NIH network or the VPN?
If not, you will not be able to connect to Biowulf or Helix. A simple testif you are on VPN is to point your web browser to this test page. If you see 'Accessforbidden!', then you are not on the VPN.
Is your Biowulf/Helix account locked?
Your account may be locked due to inactivity. If you are on the NIH networkor the VPN, you can check the status and unlock it yourself by going to the User Dashboard. If you are unable to access thedashboard, send email to asking for your account to beunlocked.

If you are on the VPN or the NIH network, and your account is unlocked, and you are still not able to connect, please send the following information to the HPC staff (

  • what kind of computer and Operating System you’re connecting from
  • what software are you using to connect and which version? (e.g. putty, command-line ssh, NX)
  • what was the error message?

Updated: February 24, 2009

Helix is a live Linux CD carefully tailored for incident response, system investigation and analysis, data recovery, and security auditing. It is geared toward experienced users and system administrators working in small-to-medium, mixed environments where threats of data loss and security breaches are high.

The most recent version is based on Ubuntu, promising stability and ease of use. Helix has two modes, including pure Linux bootable live CD and the Windows mode, where it can be used in-vivo on top of a running Windows desktop. Helix is available for download by email registration. We tested version 3 here. Now, let's see what Helix can offer us.

Linux mode

As said, Helix comes as a live CD, allowing you to use it on a 'suspect' machine with its native operating system dormant. It also makes Helix quite useful for auditing your network neighborhood, by being able to run from just about any machine on the segment.

The latest version of Helix is based on Ubuntu (used to be Knoppix, in the past), so the minimalistic yet fully functional Gnome desktop comes as no surprise.

By default, Helix will display monitors for mounted disks and CPU, memory and network activity. It comes with a range of useful tools. Bear in mind that the Linux live CD part is only a fragment of the entire arsenal. We will talk about dedicated Windows utilities later.

The basic kit includes the omnipotent Wireshark network analyzer / packet sniffer, several anti-virus tools, retrieve passwords, backup and restore partitions, browse MAC partitions, examine binary files, and more.

The users can choose between XFPROT and ClamTk anti-virus scanners to examine files and folders on suspect machines, including local and remote disks.

You can also scan Windows registries.

Adepto allows you to create sector-by-sector images of local devices and take them offline for further analysis. It also allows you to restore disks / partitions, which makes it handy for recovery, too.

You can also try to retrieve Windows passwords.

Windows mode

In this mode, Helix is used just as any other CD inside Windows. Double-click to launch the application. You'll be warned about your actions.

The Windows mode differs from the Linux side in being a floating application rather than a complete operating system. Therefore, the navigation is a little different.

First, you have the Quick Launch.

Then, there is the Page menu, which allows you to browse different categories of tools.

The Windows side contains a broad range of highly useful utilities.

The Incident Response page is particularly rich, with lots of excellent programs. Did I say you should be knowledgeable and extremely careful when running these tools, as you can very easily obliterate your system and even cause significant damage to the LAN? There, I said it.

An entire section is dedicated to viewing (and retrieving) passwords, cookies and logs.

You also have tools for auditing of the system, remote connection (including VNC, SSH), file recovery, and rootkit scanning.

Like in Linux, it is possible to acquire entire disk drives (and even the physical memory).

You can also browse contents of files and folders, calculate hashes, check time stamps, and more. This allows you to look for suspicious, clandestine activities in your data archives.

As mentioned earlier, you can run full audits of your system.

Mac Os Catalina


Mac Os Download

Helix is a highly useful toolbox. The dual mode is especially valuable, since quite a few system administrators are not that proficient in Linux. Furthermore, it allows Helix users to approach Windows-related problems with several methods, first trying to cope with problems while still logged in Windows and then escalating to the Linux live CD mode.

Helix is a stable, complete package, with a broad range of great utilities that will significantly increase your ability to respond to problems, threats and incidents in your environment. That's it. For more details about forensics in general, please see the Introduction.
